Ford Premium Cooling System Fluid
Ford premium cooling system fluid. Recommended by Ford Motor Company. Refer to WSM Section 303-03. Motorcraft Premium Cooling System Flush VC-1 pn ESR-M14P7-A specification Capacity in a bone-dry system.
Genuine Ford Fluid VC-7DIL-B Gold Pre-Diluted AntifreezeCoolant - 1 Gallon Genuine Ford Fluid VC-13-G Yellow Concentrated AntifreezeCoolant - 1 Gallon. Connect the appropriate Ford diagnostic scan tool to the vehicle and start the engine. Genuine Ford Fluid VC-1 Premium Cooling System Flush - 22 oz.
Use Motorcraft Premium Cooling System Flush VC-1. Always allow the engine to cool before opening the cooling system. Premium Gold and Orange AntifreezeCoolants are now available pre- mixed 5050 with deionized water.
Genuine Ford Fluid VC-7-B Red Concentrated AntifreezeCoolant - 1 Gallon Packaging may vary Genuine Ford Fluid VC-13-G Yellow Concentrated AntifreezeCoolant - 1 Gallon. Return the engine to idle. Motorcraft Choke and Linkage Cleaner sprays away grease sludge gum and varnish from the throttle plates throttle bodies and other induction system.
The 5050 mixture helps ensure vehicles get optimal corrosion freeze and overheat protection and minimizes possible mix errors by technicians. A 5050 mixture of Premium Cooling System Fluid E2FZ-19549-AA or B in Oregon F5FZ-19549-CC in Canada Motorcraft CXC-8-B recycled coolant or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESE-M97B44-A and water should be added to the degas bottle to the specified levels. Add Motorcraft Premium Gold Engine Coolant or equivalent meeting Ford specification WSS-M97B51-A1 yellow color.
Allow the engine to reach normal operating temperature. Allow the engine to reach normal operating temperature. With cold engine remove pressure relief cap.
Genuine Ford Fluid VC-1 Premium Cooling System Flush - 22 oz. Use only as recommended.
Always allow the engine to cool before opening the cooling system.
Use Motorcraft Premium Cooling System Flush VC-1. To maintain the integrity of the coolant and the cooling system. Add 1 bottle of Motorcraft Premium Cooling System Flush and fill the rest of the cooling system with water. Premium Cooling System Flush. Run the engine at 2500 RPM for 15 minutes with the climate control system off. Contains no petroleum distillates. The 5050 mixture helps ensure vehicles get optimal corrosion freeze and overheat protection and minimizes possible mix errors by technicians. Refer to WSM Section 303-03. Recommended by Ford Motor Company.
Compatible with all coolant types. Genuine Ford Fluid VC-7DIL-B Gold Pre-Diluted AntifreezeCoolant - 1 Gallon Genuine Ford Fluid VC-13-G Yellow Concentrated AntifreezeCoolant - 1 Gallon. Safe for aluminum water pumps. Add 1 bottle of Motorcraft Premium Cooling System Flush and fill the rest of the cooling system with water. A 5050 mixture of Premium Cooling System Fluid E2FZ-19549-AA or B in Oregon F5FZ-19549-CC in Canada Motorcraft CXC-8-B recycled coolant or equivalent meeting Ford specification ESE-M97B44-A and water should be added to the degas bottle to the specified levels. Add 1 bottle of Motorcraft Premium Cooling System Flush and fill the rest of the cooling system with water. Remove the coolant hoses from the transmission fluid.
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